Puppenhäuser, Puppenstuben und Puppenmöbel von
dollshouses and dolls furniture VERO Olbernhau, die im Jahr 1966 gerade aus dem ehemaligen
Grünhainichen hervorgegangen war.
It is made in the typical 50s and style in regard to form, colours and the love of details.
even the box survived:
VERO Olbernhau which was founded exactly in
integrating the national owned dolls house firm VEB Grünhainichen.
Das Haus wurde im Dezember 2011bei ebay.de versteigert - vielen Dank an den
Verkäufer, für die freundliche Erlaubnis, die Fotos zeigen zu dürfen.
Ausstellung "Träume werden wahr"
1966 Puppenstube
1966 3-Zimmer-Puppenhaus
Hochhaus - 1966 VERO - Sky scraper
Demusa DDR - 1967 - GDR's central company for export Demusa
es ist das ausgefallenste der späteren Puppenhäuser
von VERO, vorher VEB Grünhainchen.
Für den Export wird VERO vertreten durch die
zentrale staatliche Außenhandelsgesellschaft der DDR
(für Musikinstrumente und Spielwaren) Demusa.
You probably all know this extraordinary dollshouse made in the GDR in the 60s
It is a VERO house, exported by Demusa.
1967 Fachwerkhaus "Oldtimer-Modellhaus"
Demusa war das Außenhandelsunternehmen der DDR,
das die "bedeutendsten Spielwarenfabriken der DDR"
in Bezug auf den Export vertrat.
So auch das Kombinat Vereinigte Erzgebirgische Spielwarenbetriebe (VERO),
in dem sich die Holzspielwarenfabriken in
Grünhainichen, Blumenau, Seiffen und Olbernhau
zusammengeschlossen hatten.
Man versprach sich davon "eine konzentriertere Enwicklungsarbeit,
stärkere Spezialisierung und Austausch von Produktionsverfahren."
1967 umfasste das Exportprogramm der Demusa
15000 Spielwarenartikel von 200 Spielwarenbetrieben.
(Quelle: Heinz Trebuth, stellv. Generaldirektor der Demusa, in "Spielzeug" 1967)
Demusa was the foreign trade enterprise of the GDR which represented
"the important toy factories of the GDR" in relation to export.
So also the state combine company Vereinigte Erzgebirgische Spielwarenbetriebe (VERO),
which associated the wooden toys factories in
Grünhainichen, Blumenau, Seiffen und Olbernhau.
The purpose being "a more focused policy of development,
greater specialization and exchange of knowledge about the production process."
1967 the range of exported articles included 15000 items of 200 toy factories.
(Source: Heinz Trebuth, Deputy General Manager of Demusa, 1967 in "Spielzeug")
Zufällig wirbt Demusa also 1966 und 1967
für das fortschrittlichste und das altmodischste Design im Puppenhaus.
By chance Demusa advertises for the most progressive
and the most old-fashioned design in doll houses in 1966 and 1967.
ca. 1968 Puppenhaus
VERO-Puppenhaus auf dem Verkaufskarton von Paul-Hübsch-Puppenmöbeln
VERO Puppengeschirr, Kaffeeservice
1970 Puppenhaus "WARNA"
"Die sogenannten Systemhäuser mit austauschbaren Modulen,
hergestellt in den Jahren von 1966 bis 1972
im VEB Vereinigte Olbernhauer Spielwarenbetriebe (VERO)"
1972 (vorher Rülke) Küche
aus meiner Sammlung
the Second World War and the sudden existence
of West-Germany and
every old toy producing firm began anew.
While many
West-German firms would soon profit by the
"German Economic Wonder" of
the 50s and 60s
East-German traditional toy manufacturers
had to react
according to the political changes
in the now socialist country.
small enterprises were not the first concern of the new government,
after socializing the more important industries,
in the 50s and 60s
there was a lot of pressure
on small independent manufactorers to give
and join the nationally-owned enterprises (political pressure,
denunciation, no raw materials, no foreign or national market, rising
By the by most of them gave in and in 1972
the remaining ones
were finally disowned by law
(e.g. Paul Hübsch, Moritz Gottschalk, Albin Schönherr,
(e.g. Paul Hübsch, Moritz Gottschalk, Albin Schönherr,
Hermann Rülke, August Riedeler, Ullrich und Hoffmann).
was the nationally-owned entreprise which gathered
from 1966
on many toy-related firms
(former 98 individual manufacturers).
products were distributed by the nationally-owned DEMUSA in Berlin.
After the German reunification the firm still existed until 1998.
for collectors:
from 1972 until 1990 toys in East-Germany were
by only a few national owned companies.
VERO was one of the largest.
Many excellent
progressive designers worked for VERO
and as the products were
distributed mainly on foreign markets -
to get the much needed foreign
currencies -
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